
Monday, April 30, 2012

Let's try this... again.

Denver, Colorado. I'm sitting in my hotel room bed watching trashy television (my guilty pleasure) next to my sick, sleeping boyfriend (poor thing!). I've been contemplating a return to the blogging world for some time. After I finished cancer treatment I wanted to move on from that blog so I started a health & fitness blog but soon got bored with updating about the same thing over and over again. Oh, and let's not even talk about how hard it is to write about health & fitness when you've crashed, rolled, and tumbled far off into the distance from the proverbial "wagon".

The truth is that I absolutely love to write. It's fun and therapeutic yet I've been so worried about "what" this blog could/should be that I just abandoned it all together. As some of you probably know, I recently quit my job, moved to the Northwest from California, and have a ton of exciting things going on in my life! Oh yeah, and there's that whole still trying to lose 85 pound thing going on too. So I've decided just to write, to let this blog take it's own shape and not worry about it.

I hope you'll join me on these new journeys. Please feel free to comment, subscribe, and/or follow me on Google Reader. Special thanks to Danielle for inspiring me to re-start my blog and to Julia for inspiring me to get my booty back on track with weight loss! 

PS. Please excuse any grammatical errors, my editor is asleep ;)